Saturday, December 31, 2011

The Day after Tomorrow

Below is a message that I heard and would like to
share with you.
“Let’s take a moment to convey our appreciation today, right now,
this very moment. Say a simple Thank You and see how it would
brighten up the day of the people around you. Say Thank You to
your colleague, Thank You to your wife or your husband, Thank You
to your kids who put a smile on your face everyday. Say Thank you
to your friends who keep you company in good time and in bad time.
You may say Thank You to your friends on Facebook and twitter for
being there for you and for sharing their genuine and yours through
life. Without these people, your life would be far less enjoyable,
certainly far less interesting. Let’s take a moment to tell the people
that WE appreciate them, WE value them and WE remember them.
Good things start with a small step. Let’s take them together.”
Hope to see you all with a BIG SMILE next year.
Until next year, 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing. Not to many people in your position are so gracious. Your article was very poignant and understandable. It helped me to understand very clearly. Thank you for your help.

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